Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Above and Below, Newtown Movies Final Design (Second Year, Second Semester)

Above and below is a multipurpose complex sited on numbers 14, 12 and 4 Arney Street. It provides the Newtown community with three cinema spaces (two 46 seaters and one 106 seater), a large bar space which can be split into two different areas when needed, a performance venue that can easily support musical acts and other larger events, a café space, gallery space, two conference/office spaces and a public seating and outdoor area.

The main design drivers for Above and Below were “clarity” and “connection”. This essentially meant providing a distinct connection between the two adjacent streets to the site, Arney and Ferguson. Ferguson being located 4 metres above the Arney street level provided the opportunity to create a large set of stairs which would be for general public use making a clear and creative link between the two previously unconnected streets. This connection between the two streets was then used in the design of the building itself creating a “void of circulation” that cut a distinct path through the building. The verticality of this void space was emphasized to make it a distinct area of circulation utilising stairs and ramps to connect other parts of the building. The void of this space was extremely important as it would allow for a visual connection between Arney and Ferguson Streets which would encourage public use of the stairs and also the complex itself.

To cater for all ages and disabilities a ramp was incorporated into the design in a similar way the circulation void was. The ramp runs through the main bulk of the building becoming a defining threshold for the spaces either side of it. This combination of stairs and ramp split the building form into three distinct areas, both in the horizontal plane and the vertical plane.

Movement through the Above and Below complex is defined in three different modes, the stairs which sit at 35 degrees, the six degree ramp and the vertical/90 degree lifts which are also provided in the building. These three modes are reflected in the overall structure of the design. The structural from which creates the building shell is comprised of components angled at 90, 35 and 6 degrees. These structural forms also created two dinstinctly different facades for the building which mirror the programmes around them well. The Arney street façade opens out and up to street at a grand scale pointing out towards the commercial area of Newtown and the typically busy Riddiford Road. On the Ferguson street side amongst more residential buildings the façade is at a much more human and subtle scale before the structural forms shoot out towards Arney Street.

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